City of Fairfield to Present 2024-25 Budget


The City of Fairfield will have a pubic presentation of the city’s budged for the 2024-25 fiscal year this week.

The presentation will be held on Tuesday, March 26th, from 8 am to 12 pm at the Arts and Convention Center in the theater. 

During this event, each Department Head will have a dedicated 15-minute slot to delve into their operations, discuss expenditures, and field questions from the Council. Following these presentations, the Departments will remain present as the floor opens to the audience for inquiries. 

The primary objective of this event is to enlighten the community about the intricate workings of the City of Fairfield, provide insight into the future direction as a city, and foster transparency. This marks the inaugural year of such a procedure, and the city appreciates the public’s patience as we navigate through a learning curve and strive for continuous improvement in the years ahead. The City of Fairfield says the goal is to establish a robust foundation for community engagement, cultivate stronger relationships, and foster trust. 

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