The city of Sigourney held its city council meeting on Wednesday evening.
The consent agenda was approved but one item was removed and voted on separately. Councilman Randy Schultz abstained from voting on the item labeled “Approval of Accounts Payable Claims” with the rest of the city council approving.
Executive Director Gary Iosbaker of Keokuk County Economic Development (KCED) gave an update on two events that are coming up: the $10,000 Raffle on November 8th and Ladies Night Out on October 17th. KCED also unveiled a new website which Iosbaker encouraged the public to check out.
Iosbaker also shared a new business in Sigourney that will be opening. Sigourney Merchantile will have a ribbon cutting this Saturday (September 21st).
For the Street and Sanitation report, Randy Schultz says the same snow removal ad used last year will be displayed again this year. The city council unanimously approved to run the same ad.
A budget/strategic planning committee meeting that was planned for October 19th was tabled due to conflicting schedules. A makeup date will be announced at a later meeting.
Council approved the hiring of Jessica Weber as an office assistant. Her pay will be $17 an hour during a 60-day probationary period after which it will increase to $17.50 with the expectation of working 32-40 hours a week on average.
After the review of the annual debt report, the council unanimously approved Resolution No. 2024-09-27 which authorized the transfer of payments of general obligation bonds and revenue bonds.
The next city council meeting will be held on October 2nd.