City of Ottumwa: September Special Election Triggers Contest for City Council Seat


The Ottumwa City Council adopted Resolution No. 81-2024, Requesting a Special Election (September 10, 2024) on the Imposition of a New Local Option Sales and Services Tax in the amount of One Percent, on April 23, 2024. The appointed Council seat held by Cyan Bossou must be on the ballot to fill the vacancy during this Special Election (According to Iowa Code 372.13 (2)(a)(1) The appointment shall be made within sixty days after the vacancy occurs and shall be for the period until the next regular city election described in section 376.1, unless there is an intervening special election for that city, in which event the election for the office shall be placed on the ballot at such special election.)

Citizens interested in running for this seat may obtain a Candidate’s Guide, nomination papers, and an affidavit of candidacy from the City Clerk’s Office at 210 West Main Street, 2nd Floor of Train Depot, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The forms are also available at the County Auditor’s Office or from the Secretary of State’s website at
Any resident of the City of Ottumwa, whether registered to vote or not, 18 years of age, who has not been convicted of a felony, unless pardoned by the governor, nor declared mentally incompetent, may seek public office. Nominees for City Council must obtain at least 30 signatures from eligible electors but are encouraged to get more than the minimum. Persons signing the nomination papers must give their name, their address (place of residence, not a post office box or mailing address), and the date they signed the nomination paper. The number of signatures required is two percent of the total votes cast in the last preceding regular City election.
The Affidavit of Candidacy must be signed in the presence of a Notary Public. The nomination papers and affidavit of candidacy must be filed at the City Clerk’s Office no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, July 19, 2024.
If more than two candidates turn in paperwork to run for City Council, then a City primary election will be necessary. The City primary election would be held on August 13, 2024, four weeks before the City special election on September 10, 2024.
Residents with questions about filing for candidacy in this special election can contact Christina Reinhard, City Clerk at 683-0620, or Wapello County Auditor, Kelly Spurgeon, at 683-0020.

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