Local Girls Encouraged to Enroll in Empowerment Program


A local organizer is looking for area girls to enroll in a program designed to increase self-esteem.

Debbie Mitchell heard about BIO Girls from a community member. BIO (Beautiful Inside & Out) Girls is a non-profit program whose mission is to improve the self-esteem of adolescent girls through the empowerment of self and service to others.

Mitchell believes that from a young age, girls are under pressure to be perfect.

“And those pressures paralyze these young girls preventing them from trying harder, exploring new interests, taking healthy risks, and chasing their dreams. So at BIO Girls we not only teach girls that failure is not only okay, but it is also a necessary stepping stone in life.” Debbie Mitchell

The program consists of 12 weekly meetings that teach girls ages 7-12 skills like mental wellness, healthy relationships, leadership, and kindness. The weekly meetings will be hosted by the Ottumwa YMCA.

There is also a physical aspect to the program. The girls will train for a 5K “fun run” which will be held at the end of the program.

Michell says there will be volunteer mentors who will run breakout sessions for the girls.

Mitchell says girls that are 7-12 years old are at a pivotal point.

“At that age, their self-esteem starts to plummet…it’s a good chance to help get these young girls instilled and building their self-esteem, making healthy lifestyle choices. It’s just the perfect age to counteract that plummeting self-esteem.” Debbie Mitchell

Registration will open on February 13. Those interested can register here: https://www.biogirls.org/youth-program-registration

Mitchell cautions that registrations will be done on a first-come, first-served basis, and spaces are limited. The first session will start in March.

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