Mahaska Health Recognizes Doctor


Dr. Deborah Nielsen-DeJong, MD, has been providing care at Mahaska Health for over 20 years. Mahaska Health recognized Dr. DeJong’s longstanding service and care to the community.

As a proud Oskaloosa resident, Dr. DeJong began her role at Mahaska Health with a passion for serving her local community. Her commitment to ensuring each patient receives the highest level of care possible has demonstrated Mahaska Health’s community values year by year.

Dr. Nielsen-DeJong, a board–certified Emergency Medicine specialist, has been an essential team player in serving patients in Trauma and Emergency care. She enjoys being a great resource for her patients and teammates and is always there for anyone who needs her.

“Dr. DeJong’s dedication to patients shines through the heartfelt testimonials we receive. Her professionalism and genuine concern for patients has saved lives but is an inspiration to the Emergency Department team. Thank you, Dr. DeJong, for your remarkable care, leadership and your commitment to the well-being of our community.” Dr. Matthew Gritters, Mahaska Health Emergency Services Medical Director.

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