In recognition of American Heart Month, Mahaska Health, an Iowa ‘Center of Excellence for Cardiology,’ is hosting a free heart health community event. The Mahaska Health Cardiology Services team invites the community to receive free heart-related health screenings at its main campus in Oskaloosa, through door 4, on Saturday, February 17th, 2024, 8:00 am – 11:00 am.
The event is open to the public, most appropriate for young to older adults. The event will include routine screening tests that measure cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. New this year, are complimentary vascular screenings, medical tests designed to assess the health and condition of blood vessels. Guests will have an opportunity to receive help evaluating their sleep quality and receive heart-healthy food recipes. Refreshments and heart-healthy resources will be available.
“Prevention is very important for healthy aging,” shared Dr. John Pargulski, Cardiologist, Mahaska Health Director of Cardiology. “Our hope is that by offering free screenings and resources, our community members will enjoy peace of mind and know what steps to take to ensure they stay on a healthy track.”
Community members receiving screenings and assessments on February 17th will be mailed their results with analysis and appropriate recommendations for follow-up care. Registration is encouraged, but not required. To sign up for the event, call the Mahaska Health
Cardiology Team at 641.672.3174 or visit the website at