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Steve and Donna Olinger Benefit
March 26, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
K.I.S.S. Benefit
Steve & Donna Olinger
(Farmer/Diesel Mechanic/Trucker, Veterans, Nurse/Pastor
Whose home was totally destroyed in a fire on February 20, 2023)
Free-will Donation Cake Reception
(Come greet Steve & Pastor Donna)
“Noisy” Silent Auction
Sunday, March 26, 2023
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
“Noisy” Auction to follow @ 3:00
Mutchler Community Center
900 E. North Street, Bloomfield, IA 52537
*If you have a good quality item to Donate, please text or leave message:
Sue Lawson (641) 208-0298, Devia Olinger Swaim (647) 799-6482 or call Norma Mahon (319) 397-2222.
*Auction items will be on display for Silent Bidding from 1:00 – 3:00. “Noisy” bidding with Auctioneer Alex
Lynch will begin @ 3:00 with opening bid starting at each highest Silent Bid. All “Noisy” bids will supercede
highest Silent Bid. If there are no other bids, Silent Bid wins (i.e. overall Highest Bid wins).
*Cake Donations are also being accepted. All cakes will be subject to Serving or Auction. Surplus cakes will be
auctioned. Please send cake in “auction-able” container. Empty containers will not be returned.
*Also needing people to Sign-up for donations of Building Materials, Muscle (as available), or ready-to-serve
food for workers as they assist the Olingers in building their replacement home over the coming months.
*If unable to attend, monetary gifts are being accepted payable to Steve & Donna Olinger at Success Bank
locations or mailed to Success Bank, 109 N. Madison, Bloomfield, IA 52537.
Sponsored by Troy and Cantril United Methodist Churches